This is part of what I wrote from a Conversation with a Friend regarding the Political disease that infects this world....
are right, really all Government in this modern world of ours is
already Tyranny, dress it up however you like but it has been here for
100 years since the inception of the Central Banking control, etc. Its
only in place because we have been lead to believe it is necessary and
that we are incapable of governing ourselves because a small group of
people figured out how to manipulate the mass consciousness. You are
also right, Enough is Enough, but unfortunately 90% of the people are
fast asleep, and they have been programmed to believe in the Left vs
Right Illusion , and every other facet of organized society , from
Religion to the Media to the corporations, because it gives them
everything they need. They do not realize they are enslaved or asleep,
they think they make their own decisions, etc. But they do not. No
change can come from a system set up to be rigged without EVERYONE
seeing it for what it is, no more divide and conquer, no more D or R or
left or right or any of these labels that have been sold to us in order
to separate and divide us. This brings us back to why? Its all to help
us wake up brother, this is a spiritual battle, until each person sees
through the illusion and realizes that greater truth themselves then we
will continue to do this, year after year/ All the in fighting,
revolution, etc none of these things will change anything. The same
things will pop back up in short time and we are back where we began.
Because the problem is not one of politics. It is a problem of
Consciousness, and the problem can not be solved with the same level of
thinking that created it. Its illusion brother. The work of evil men to
attempt to control something over which there is NO control. I speak
only from experience. I have found a way to transcend the old way of
thinking, which all men are endowed with - I dont buy into the system or
give it my energy. I have created a way to be successful and to free
myself from the confines of scarcity and lacking and the fear mindset
that we are bombarded with. And every single human being on this planet
can and will eventually do the same thing, realize the WAY, When we free
our minds from the illusion of fear other "men" attempt to dictate then
we realize that the only thing in this world that will shift any of
this is love. The Realization of our oneness to each other, this planet,
and our creator. Until this happens then more of the same is what we
will get. Its a circus. It only has impact on your life as much as you
allow it to and only impedes what you want out of life so long as you
acknowledge it has any real power over you. It is beyond the physical
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