Awakened1 Blog - Since 2005

Notes from my Higher Self... A journey into Hermetics / Alchemy, Consciousness and beyond...

Know Thyself - and thou shall know all the Mysteries of the Gods and of the Universe

Sunday, December 01, 2019

Thoughts on AI / Artificial Intelligence

We are told many things about AI. How it will free us from our mundane tasks & automate jobs. How it will make everything from computing to problem solving easier, faster and even allow AI to program, code, and integrate with every facet of Technology. We also hear the warnings of autonomous artificial intelligence, of unleashing it, turning it on, and not being able to turn it off once it is in everything. Merging with anything computer based with internet. Now they are supposedly working on a kill switch for AI, but all sides must be examined before we go blindly accepting it into our lives. Now if the only way to turn off AI once it is unleashed fully is to kill the internet, then we are faced with certain choices, obligations of responsibility we must face before we go flipping the switch. 

Science Fiction for years has been warning about AI. From Huxley & Brave New World to the Matrix. Technology should free humanity from much of the mundane, but at what cost? We have as a society become more connected to the world, but disconnected on many levels due to social media and other technology. Unfortunately technological advances do not necessarily equate to an enlightened society.

Flash forward to modern day and one of the leaders in AI development, Elon Musk thinks we will need a neural link, a brain chip with internet, etc in order to "compete" with AI, for humans to remain relevant. To me, knowing what I know about Consciousness, I would disagree. If the warnings lead us to the notion, that in order to compete, the leading theories and movement tend to be towards Transhumanism, joining of Technology / AI, we should rethink things. Joining human beings in a symbiotic relationship via a computer chip linking the two, along with Virtual Reality, nano tech / micro chipping, etc, we are told, is the future of humanity.

Merging with AI is not necessary for the evolution of the human species. We should leave it to automation, programming, etc and not these futurist wet dreams of those who have led the world to this point. It is not for our benefit, not in the way it is being sold to us. Not by merging humanity & AI. 

The way forward is a consciousness shift, that literally shifts the world view, the current paradigm. AI is the dark side, and those pushing for microchipping, and integration of AI + Humanity are the same forces who have controlled the destiny of humanity for centuries. The same forces of control that currently lead the Governments of the world, and are the very reason for the problems we face as a species.

This is where Spirituality & the long awaited Consciousness shift comes into play. Human consciousness can evolve to the point, that all the mystics of the world have spoken about. Hermetics is that grand unifier, Alchemy of the Soul, the ancient sacred science known to mankind since the beginning. Taught by the great Master Teachers , yet concealed from man by Religious institutions. We already have within the "technology", everything we need, a Pineal gland and other systems that can open up the unlimited potential of human possibility. ESP, etc. But we have not been taught this ancient and sacred information. It has been suppressed. It has been withheld from humanity, by those touting the organized Religions of the world, playing middle man between human & creator since the beginning of time in order to control. If we surrender to this , then we surrender our personal identities, our personality, our uniqueness.

The time has come to educate all of humanity in the ancient ways. We see sacred plant medicines now being legalized in cities across the US, these entheogenic plants have the ability to reconnect us to higher dimensions within nature & ourselves,  they awaken our consciousness to teach us, to heal first and foremost and allow us to see beyond the mundane ordinary existence that AI promises to free us from. These keys to unlocking the frontiers of human existence have been withheld from humanity. Only now with the works of MAPs and John Hopkins University are we seeing these sacred medicines come back to the forefront. Through meditation, mindfulness, Psychedelic medicine and utilizing technology in safe ways that benefit mankind fully, we can come into a new age so to speak, one of less ignorance, one of less control, one of more freedom. Free your mind. It is the only way to truly come to know yourself. 

After all, if you want think really deep, Googles Deep Dream creates art that is Psychedelic. Maybe the AI, which is logical and sees the answer without human emotional programming, knows the answer, the medicine, by which to free humanity from the ignorance that it seems to be unable to free itself from.

Also, if the goal is to combine AI with Humanity, Transhumanism, then it can be theorized that a way to upload consciousness / spirit energy into some kind of AI generated VR is possible. So in discussing the powers that seek to rule this world, also seek to enslave eternally in Maya, so when discussing Ascension / Energy / Consciousness & AI it must deeply questioned. Pretty much come to the conclusion, the reason they want to link AI + Human is to confine our spirit to an uploaded VR of sorts instead of going back to source when we transcend this mortal vessel

Know Thyself
And thou shall know ALL the mysteries of the Gods & of the Universe


1 comment:

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