Awakened1 Blog - Since 2005

Notes from my Higher Self... A journey into Hermetics / Alchemy, Consciousness and beyond...

Know Thyself - and thou shall know all the Mysteries of the Gods and of the Universe

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Behold the Stone
Let it be thy Light when the world be plunged into Darkness
For it is the key, the truth and the way
That Divine spark, a gift from God most High 
Do you not see? 
For there is no separation, of the eternal ONE thing, acted upon by ONE Mind
Awaken from thy slumber
the stirring within is from the truth you feel in your heart
behold the wonder
We are ONE with all things

Give praise most high for they minds eye now sees clearly
Let no fear come to thee, the resurrection by fire is complete.
Now go forth, produce the stone, they 2nd body of light by which all eternity is known
Fly into infinity, behold the wonders of the Above and the Below
By thy MIND direct the WILL to transcend this mundane Dream
so that you may truly LIVE and make the most of this temporal vessel
Do you SEE?
MDE 11/2019

From Yates, F., "Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition", Routledge, London, 1964 & other sources -  "Many Christian writers, including Lactantius, Augustine, Giordano Bruno, Marsilio Ficino, Campanella and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, considered Hermes Trismegistus to be a wise pagan prophet who foresaw the coming of Christianity.[13][14] They believed in a prisca theologia, the doctrine that a single, true theology exists, which threads through all religions. It was given by God to man in antiquity[15][16] and passed through a series of prophets, which included Zoroaster and Plat.  In order to demonstrate the verity of the prisca theologia, Christians appropriated the Hermetic teachings for their own purposes. By this account, Hermes Trismegistus was either, according to the fathers of the Christian church, a contemporary of Moses[17] or the third in a line of men named Hermes, i.e. Enoch, Noah, and the Egyptian priest king who is known to us as Hermes Trismegistus,[18] or "thrice great" on account of being the greatest priest, philosopher and king.[18][19" 

The Hermetic Tradition, that which leads man from Darkness (Ignorance of the Laws that rule all things) into Light (Divine Knowledge / Soul Consciousness), has been rekindling in the shadows for centuries. Our most Holy & Divine science is Alchemy. By direct steps, man can raise himself from the land of the dead to the land of the eternal. This ancient cornerstone of all the worlds religions is the Grand Unifier, the reconciler of all opposites. By these steps, by doing all the work necessary, meditation, mastering of the emotions & thought, mastering of self, by full personal responsibility for all actions and thoughts, man may raise himself from his base & most carnal state, a Slave to forces and energies, powers and principalities outside of himself.

In the Ancient Days, when man was still connected, the veil of separation was not as it is in these strange days. 

In Studying Consciousness, one will inevitably come to the truth, one way or another. This truth is the reason for the infinite distractions in this world. We cling to our programmed belief's because, well, we did not know any better. We repeated the mantras and dogmas as dictated by Man & the archaic institutions dictating the "word" to the masses. This dogma is manifested from Ego, from a need to control and manipulate consciousness. The awakening now in full swing, is the souls yearning to understand the great Mysteries that have perplexed man for Aeons. To Awaken & Remember our spiritual nature & integrate it fully here and now.

Ultimately, we must come to understand that those who have perpetuated the same Dogma and what can outwardly known as Organized Religion, was in fact the hijacking of the true teachings of the master teacher known historically as Jesus Christ. Look at the actions of the Vatican, i.e. "The true Church of God" on Earth. How was it formed? Why was it formed? Why were countless books removed and or altered? Why were the Hermetic texts removed? Why was the Book of Enoch Removed? Why did the early Church fathers recognize Hermetics as the ancient precursor to Christianity, and later it was suppressed? St Augustine said, "the religion of Christ has always existed", it was not called that until after the man known as Christ came to be. 

Hermetics is the ancient cornerstone, the true imagination. When this lotus blossoms fully again in our reality it will swiftly realign things. Yes, a dark night of the soul is necessary first, to see the error of our collective ways and to leave no illusion in the minds of the individual & collective MIND. This unveiling was always spoken of. The very word Apocalypse means to "uncover or reveal". There is no room within to turn it into State Religion. To control or interpret to the masses in a way that gives one control like the current versions of human religion. It transcends all things. It demands personal responsibility, for without this we are all damned. Once we attain a state of higher consciousness that indeed illuminates all things, we are compelled in loving cooperation, to join in the universal dance. We can not escape the divine law and its operation, for we are ONE. No more separate than we believe ourselves to be. Like a drop in the ocean, a grain of sand, a star in a seas of billions... ONE.

From the Nag Hammadi Library, Gnostic / Hermetic texts found in 1945, Egypt. From 1st Century of the Christian Ero or earlier.  

Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the (Father's) kingdom is within you and it is outside you. When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty."

Let this digest in your MIND
Taken from The Corpus Hermeticum 
XI. Mind Unto Hermes

Behold what power, what swiftness, thou dost have! And canst thou do all of these things, and God not [do them]?
Then, in this way know God; as having all things in Himself as thoughts, the whole Cosmos itself.
If, then, thou dost not make thyself like unto God, thou canst not know Him. For like is knowable unto like [alone].
Make, [then,] thyself to grow to the same stature as the Greatness which transcends all measure; leap forth from every body; transcend all time; become Eternity ; and [thus] shalt thou know God.
Conceiving nothing is impossible unto thyself, think thyself deathless and able to know all - all arts, all sciences, the way of every life.
Become more lofty than all height, and lower than all depth. Collect into thyself all senses of [all] creatures - of fire, [and] water, dry and moist. Think that thou art at the same time in every place - in earth, in sea, in sky; not yet begotten, in the womb, young, old, [and] dead, in after-death conditions.
And if thou knowest all these things at once - times, places, doings, qualities, and quantities; thou canst know God.
21. But if thou lockest up thy soul within thy body, and dost debase it, saying: I nothing know; I nothing can; I fear the sea; I cannot scale the sky; I know not who I was, who I shall be - what is there [then] between [thy] God and thee?
For thou canst know naught of things beautiful and good so long as thou dost love thy body and art bad.
The greatest bad there is, is not to know God's Good; but to be able to know [Good], and will, and hope, is a Straight Way, the Good's own [Path], both leading there and easy.
If thou but settest thy foot thereon, 'twill meet thee everywhere, 'twill everywhere be seen, both where and when thou dost expect it not - waking, sleeping, sailing, journeying, by night, by day, speaking, [and] saying naught. For there is naught that is not image of the Good.
22. Hermes: Is God unseen?
Mind: Hush! Who is more manifest than He? For this one reason hath He made all things, that through them all thou mayest see Him.
This is the Good of God, this [is] His Virtue - that He may be manifest through all.
For naught's unseen, even of things that are without a body. Mind sees itself in thinking, God in making.
So far these things have been made manifest to thee, Thrice-greatest one! Reflect on all the rest in the same way with thyself, and thou shalt not be led astray. 

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