"There is an earthly sun, which is the cause of all heat, and all who are
able to see may see the Sun; and those who are blind and cannot see him
may feel his heat. There is an Eternal Sun, which is the source of all
wisdom, and whose spiritual sense have awakened to life will see that
Sun and be conscious of His existence; but those who have not attained
spiritual consciousness may yet feel His power by an inner faculty which
is called Intuition" Paracelsus
There is a space to be found within Meditation that is of the most profound and loving peace imaginable. It is a gift, a most holy tool indeed. It is not about merely pushing away thoughts, or reaching a state of inner silence, or even so much as contemplation of the many mysteries that is the goal alone. Meditation leads to the source of thought, to the void that IS creating, nothing, pure being all at once. Enlightenment is not some ah ha moment where one suddenly realizes something. It is a process, an alchemical ladder each climbs on their own. The constant refining of the "I" or Ego and the ability to not so much transcend the current reality or awareness but to transmute the lower into the higher. To combine the Above and the Below and again raise oneself from the Below and combine with the Above.
Our experiences dictate our views depending upon the level of consciousness we are at. We view experiences in life as either negative or positive and sometimes passively partake or choose to remain neutral. Experience is one of the greatest teachers. It transforms knowledge into Wisdom. Life is full of lessons for us to experience, this is how we grow, how we learn. We are never supposed to remain stagnant or become complacent in life, this leads to degeneration, waste, decay. Instead we are supposed to continuously evolve, expand our consciousness and create with every breath we take. Life is also full of opportunity, more so than the average person knows. Opportunity waiting to write new lessons and experiences that further our growth, our ability to connect to each other and to this realm we find ourselves within. Certain opportunities only come along once, others maybe a few times in certain cases. Learning to recognize them from a objective observer point of view to certain extents allows us to enter a state of intuitive Gnosis so to speak, to use a different sight to see with. As we progress along this path we are shown certain things, the Ego, certain emotions and so forth do not cloud the judgement or decision making process. Doubt and Fear which are are almost always present in the collective consciousness vanish and the path to take is known almost instantly. The beauty is in seeing them when they arise and seizing the opportunity then and there with all you are.
The things in life such as luck, fate, and so forth are nothing more than ignorance to understanding that there are laws in place that all things follow; Reaping and sowing. Cause and effect. The pendulum of polarity and correspondence that most are slaves to. What is completely possible is to become the cause and the effect. The goal of Meditation is To learn to enter a state of single mindfulness where Intuition is guided by unconditional love, where fear and doubt are not allowed to enter the temple and run amok. Where we enter a waking state of higher awareness, a state when faced with even the hardest decisions, the answer is to be found clearly. We are responsible for the reality we create within our personal lives fully and that reaches over into all other aspects of reality. When the way is found to do the one thing, then there is no other way to do anything.
To understand this is to then take as complete control of life as is possible. Fill it with Love, peace, abundance and prosperity on all levels. Be kind, charitable and peaceful. These are the faculties each person has within them, to strive for the highest virtues because it is the only way to be. To behold the stone of the philosophers is to know the secrets of nature, of self and of the Divine. Which are ONE in the same. Nothing is separate from another. The Observer and the Object being observed are completely dependent on one another.
Solve et Coagula