Awakened1 Blog - Since 2005

Notes from my Higher Self... A journey into Hermetics / Alchemy, Consciousness and beyond...

Know Thyself - and thou shall know all the Mysteries of the Gods and of the Universe

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Truth is something that is ridiculed, mocked and feared in these strange days. We find ourselves in this 21st century digital dream, unaware for the most part of reality, of Truth in its highest form. I do not speak of subjective truths, or of true and false mundane trivia, or of what is paraded as truth by so called experts in the fields of modern Academia (which is deeply flawed and has lost or completely forgotten the ancient knowledge), the Mainstream Media or by those who sit in powerful seats in their Ivory Towers of Governments, Religion, Science and Economics. For if the veil is lifted and actual truth, about history, spirituality, and humanity is taught these will all be proven as frauds, as illusions in place to limit the freedom of the individual. Thus, the illusion perpetuated for so long by those in power is vital to the continuation of a world built on lies, with power and profit being the pillars of empires. The result is constant struggle (problem, reaction, solution) in both the individual and on the world stage.

If we are to solve the issues facing humanity at this point in history, this juncture, we must educate and awaken the innermost faculties residing within each human being and awaken the senses to true reality that is locked away deep within. It is the stuff of legends, of the mystics of a time long forgotten. It is the enlightenment of knowledge, of wisdom, that in turn will awaken the divine creative spark to understanding and truth. To illuminate reality as it truly is, and not as we like to believe, wish or think it to be. To provide solutions to the struggles of humanity, which in reality are more simple than one can imagine, as most solutions offered by these so called experts always appear complicated, one sided and only benefit a small group in the outcome.

We find ourselves, as individuals and as a whole facing the most challenging times in modern human history. We must, for the betterment of all nations, for all people, unite as one to solve the problems now facing humanity. To seek solutions that benefit all, while maintaining the sovereignty of nations and personal liberty for all people. We must seek to understand the innerconnectedness to which all things are part of, a higher divine consciousness, the NATURAL order of all things. Humanity must learn to respect the beliefs and traditions of others, while finding common ground needed to repair century’s old wounds, an end to war and disease of body, mind, spirit and nature. A consciousness of awareness, revealing of Truth, of Philosophy and knowledge.

However, the distinction must be made clear, without doubt, between those who currently seek control through a malevolent agenda, a New World Order built on corruption, deceit and power. The very forces that have polluted the political, religious, and socioeconomic paradigms for centuries must give way to truth, to light, to liberty. There is no place for this type of greed oriented mindset any longer if we are to restore the balance needed for harmony and equality among all men of earth, the equilibrium needed to maintain life in Nature, as a whole, the sum of all its parts, of which humanity is a part of. To emerge from the darkness there must be humility and compassion in place of arrogance and indifference.

Those who claim to know better, to wield power of control over the souls of men on earth for personal gain and pleasure, in all Governments and institutions, must step down and accept that the laws of nature, of the universe, of God (which ever label one wishes to give to the higher force of creation) can not be broken or manipulated. Cause and effect (as ye sow, so shall ye reap) are one of the laws of Nature and one way or another balance will be restored. Liberty and freedom to humanity is a right, it is not a privilege to be decided by other men in positions of power. This is against the free will not only of individuals but of nations. To impose control over others as if personally ordained by some insane deity is unacceptable. The Laws of Nature and of Natures God are one in the same and must be obeyed. The disharmony we see in the world and in personal life today is because these laws have been ignored for so long in search of trivial material pleasures and ignorance to truth.

Consciousness is the catalyst of all that is. There is a war on consciousness occurring, a spiritual war is what this is all truly about. But for the new consciousness to emerge fully, the old paradigms must be questioned, broken down and built again. We must understand truth, but first we must understand that what has been accepted in place of truth for so long has, for the most part, been based on information and manipulation by a small group of people to produce a certain outcome, through Governments, Organized Religions, Schools of Academia, and so called modern "intellectualism". There is no real difference between any of these, as they are all perpetuated by the same "progressive" movement used to manufacture consent & advance the agenda, irregardless of the party of administration in power. The vast majority of humanity has fallen asleep for so long within the illusion that it now accepts the illusion as reality and rejects truth when faced with having to make any real decisions for themselves that might upset or bring change to the comfortably numb world they have come to accept. Personal responsibility must be taken, and a revolution of sorts must emerge from the complacency of inaction...

We are the ones we have been waiting for. It is as simple as that.

Veritas Vos Liberabit
2009 - MDE

Friday, May 08, 2020

There are so many theories, both valid & not, going around these days. People divided more than ever. Scared. Uncertain of what the future holds. Of who & what to believe. Now, more than ever, Discernment is needed with all information. Especially with the things we claim to believe, that is make real in our minds and project it outward.

The Truth has never really been told, Not by the Govt & not by the media, unless it served an agenda, more like manufactured consent in order to push forward certain policies. When you step back to take a more objective look, The entire system exists as it does now for 1 main reason, Control. Political (Mind) & Religious (Spiritual) & Economic - but the monies just a tool really. Once you get past that, come to terms with certain things per se, expand your consciousness beyond the box its been shoved into our entire lives, we can begin to see certain things, writing on the wall. If Epstein did not wake people up to the corruption of our dear leaders, both sides, D & R, then I'm not sure what will. Denial & Suffering are both self imposed things.

Illusions sold at every turn to distract us from the truth....We are ONE, and if we ever come to understand this en masse, true cooperation, the entire game is over. Personal Responsibility, Critical Thinking, Common Sense, Intuition, utilize these tools beyond the sides & labels we were sold & cling to out of fear. Time to wake up from the matrix...take some responsibility and use your inner faculties to think for yourself. YOU have to come to it on your own, just remember this little hint... ANYTHING Selling Division, is not in alignment with Truth. Utilize your spiritual gifts, and come to understand how much power you hold over your thoughts, actions & your life. Create Change within. Golden Rule. Love. Get with it humans. Stop looking to these corrupt leaders - OR anything external to come save us from ourselves. Its all within, call it whatever you like, cling to the old world, enable those fears some more, continue on the same collective path like a car going 100 mph towards a wall. Or evolve. Change the game. Invent the new. Whatever the the solution.

We are no good divided & no, the people who are begging us to choose between them, are 100% not the answer, only more of the SAME (2 wings of the same bird) selling Decay & Chaos. Division...We have tried that for centuries. Let us now offer. Solutions. Step 1, come to understand your true nature, in doing so, you will reclaim all the power you have given away. You are not alone. The time has come for people to share their Truth, no matter how much cognitive dissonance it causes, we are all grown ups, or at least we pretend to be. See beyond the BS. We have the Money, Tech, Wisdom, etc to solve 95% of the worlds problems right now. But are told we are all going to succumb to Global warming & much more by 2030 by our leaders. We are doomed and must submit to whatever they roll out to "do our part". Remember Ignorance is our biggest enemy.

Until you come to realize certain principles, awaken certain inner faculties, and embody, that is manifest them within - You are walking blind in ignorance. Come to shed what you cling to out of fear & awaken, to remember, become ONE in order to reclaim your power - no more division.