
This posting will continually be updated with links and information at the bottom of the piece - an ever growing resource to shatter the illusion of how most think the world works - Here you will find how its actually run and what the end game is by those in power
In order to grasp this piece completely it is recommended you take the time and visit each associated link within this body of writing, in full, as you come to them while reading.
Without truly taking the time necessary to explore the alternatives to what the Mainstream "Status Quo" says is "truth" then you can not make an unbiased and independent decision. We all know what we are told to believe, now investigate for yourself.
You must proceed with an open mind, and the mind of a skeptic, with critical thinking and common sense, put aside what you think you know for a moment, and learn why things are done a certain way.
It may make you uncomfortable, and uneasy, it may piss you off, but truth is not something to take lightly when dealing with such matters.
Ignorance is a choice...
Paranoia is the baseless or excessive suspicion of the motives of others - it is not Paranoia when what you think is being done actually is happening.
By : Michael Eggleston
- "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer - German philosopher (1788 - 1860)
If you wish to free your mind, to clear your conscience, to reclaim your personal power as a human being and to join the Resistance to the New World Order now being openly called for after years of secrecy then Continue reading. If not I suggest you visit another website.
The title of this post says it all. We live in unstable & exciting times, probably the most exciting in human history, also the most dangerous. We can choose to live our lives in a complacent & Ignorant bliss believing what we are told about our reality, about what is happening in the world around us by the Mainstream Media, their countless experts and by what the leaders of the world tell us, or we can choose to free ourselves from ignorance, expand our consciousness and utilize our common sense. We can then by critical thinking and personal responsibility become informed and aware of what the truth is regarding how the world works, to see it as it is instead of pretending it works a certain way. To think clearly without trying to rationalize the evils and corruption we see around us.
Truth is rarely that warm fuzzy feeling we imagine it to be. It is not always going to make us happy and bring an end to the struggles of the world, just the opposite actually. Truth shatters the comfortable illusions we have come to accept in its place. The Truth will piss you off, as it should, but will eventually free your mind and free you from the chains of mental slavery.
Very few in this world dare think for themselves, to explore the rabbit hole and come out the other side. In a world of molded perception and programmed / conditioned believe systems the one who speaks truth is labeled a heretic when challenging the status quo, when threatening the illusions taken in the place of truth. Truth has become a dirty word in this modern age, it is mocked, feared and ridiculed. Truth threatens the illusions of choice that the people accept as real, and the control that those who run the show have worked so hard to maintain.
Allow me if you will, to offer a glimpse into reality, a journey down a dark path of scattered glimmers of false light, to expose the illusions for what they are.
Let us begin with what most people are familiar with today.
We are currently facing an economic crisis unlike anything in history, in reality dwarfing the Great Depression of the 1920's & '30's, equal in percentage at around 20% unemployment, but many millions more by the actual number of unemployed. The National Debt "Officially" stands at $12+ Trillion but realistic projections, with Social Security, Medicare, and other programs, Liabilities and addictions of society put it at $100 Trillion.
Shown here by the US Debt Clock
All though talk of recovery from those who run the system is the propaganda of the day, with cooked books and fudged numbers, the truth is there is no such thing as jobless recovery, and there is no such thing as deficit or surplus when you are $100 Trillion in the Hole. If the Government or Country were traded on the DOW with these numbers the stock would be worth $0...Bankrupt...
This Debt and current economic system is a system of slavery in and of itself. The modern era has been confined to this system of perpetual debt since 1913 when an organization of criminal private bankers founded what is known today as the Central Bank of these United States, The "Federal" Reserve. In fact "The Fed" is a private Bank and not a Government entity. The Same year the IRS was Created to collect income tax from US Citizens, not as taxes to fund the infrastructure and public programs as so many have been falsely led to believe, but to pay the debt and the interest the Federal Government owes the Private Bankers.
To learn the truth about the IRS and The "Federal" Reserve I give you the Red Pill of Truth regarding the subject matter -
America : From Freedom to Fascism
When you take a moment to understand this, and realize the debt is unpayable, you begin to realize in part what we as a society are facing.
But this is only one of the many fronts we are faced with.
Politics is designed to cater to the Left vs Right paradigm, R vs D, Liberal vs Conservative, all sides and labels designed for you, which is a carefully designed product of Divide and Conquer tactics. Keep the people distracted and pointing fingers and arguing over what should be personal freedoms and other issues while in reality the Agenda is the same. Both sides are bought and paid for and set up in such a way that Illusion of Choice prevails and the people actually think they are playing a personal role in choosing who leads them via the participatory act of voting. While in reality the elected high office of the land is really a selected individual, chosen by those who own the game, the one who fits the agenda of the day, this is done to emotionally manipulate the population and to mold public opinion to whatever is deemed necessary at the time. There is no difference, for example between a Bush and an Obama, you can not get mad at a puppet for the way it dances.
If you sincerely wish to understand the way things are run in the Political / Economic Spectrum then I give you the following film, 2.5 hours in length
Fall of the Republic
History is repeating before our eyes, for the very reason empires throughout time meet their demise; greed and corruption. In this modern age the same small groups of people have controlled and funded both sides of every major conflict over the last 200+ years. This is being accomplished through controlling the Banking industry (IMF, World Bank & Central Banks and Investment Banks including the Treasuries of the many nations), Control of Energy and Infrastructure, through corrupt "Free" trade practices devised by criminal branches labeled as "Think Tanks" such as the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, World Trade Organization and others. Funding through black markets and by controlling the worlds drug trade, at the same time waging an unwinnable "War on Drugs". Through controlling and financing weapons dealers around the world and setting up puppet governments in poor 3rd world nations and controlling the industrialized nations through Financial Policy. This is done even deeper by undermining national sovereignty via the European Union, United Nations & SPP here in North America. The Policies are implemented through corporate sponsored legislation & bills introduced through the puppet Federal Government in the United States to the benefit and control of the few over the many. This includes, the Nationalizing of Banking, Auto, Mortgage and Health Care, All sold as "good", but are really only about more control over the people.
All these various branches are working very hard towards a common goal, the now openly called for Agenda, at the G20 & UN, a New World Order, One World Government system of control.
The UN Agenda of "Man Made" Global warming is also used as a means of Threat via Fear and control via Carbon Taxes and various Cap and Trade laws as well as Credits and countless new taxes waiting in the wings - Now finally being exposed for the lie and Fraud it truly is
Hackers expose Climate Fraud by top Scientists / UN
Rigging a Climate 'Consensus'
Videos for Reference:
New World Order
Paranoia and Conspiracy are two words that have been carefully branded and marketed via a brilliant PR campaign by the Mainstream Media, World Governments and other groups intent on manipulating public opinion and maintaining control of what is peddled for truth. Anyone who believes in such things are labeled as unstable, insane and so forth. Any questioning of events that does not fit with the official mandated story line pertaining to events, in times of both war and times of illusionary peace is dismissed, ridiculed and vehemently attacked if the status quo & official illusion is threatened.
Propaganda: Why & How
Programming a Nation
Through many avenues, the agenda is put into place, with the eventual outcome a police totalitarian state. Plans for stripping the US Constitution clean of its ability to restrain Government, to infringe the Liberty & Freedom of the Citizens are worked into play and presented to the public via the 3 point process of Problem, Reaction, Solution. Fear and manipulation of emotions and common sense are used to push the agenda, such as Domestic Surveillance of Citizens, Disarming the population for their own good, Anti-Terror Laws, Hate Crime Legislation and so forth. And when the usual tactics do not work the emotionally based "do it for the children" rhetoric is used.
An unarmed populace throughout history results in Tyranny and Oppression of people and nations. There is no exception. Russia, Germany, China are just a few examples if history is our greatest teacher.
The real Agenda behind Gun Control
Direct from the League of Nations (1919) which became the UN itself (The UN was put in place after World War 2 - 1945), the goal was to prevent war from happening on large scales again, since its establishment, more war, corruption and death has occurred since before its inception.
UN Disarmament Plan - Sounds nice, but read between the Lines
Until we as humans move past our need for weapons as a whole and our thirst for war and greed or to protect ourselves, it is nothing but carefully crafted propaganda to the contrary as to what the leaders of nations say or use an excuse to attempt to get the people to ban guns. It is not for safety and it is not from crime prevention, as criminals will get guns regardless of any ban. Look at the rise in crime rates in Australia and the UK as examples to what happens when you ban guns, then look at the Orwellian rise in Police State measures taken since the bans were enacted. Of course the Left wing / Liberal Mind Control in the US uses fear and other methods to instill a hatred of guns and Conservative / Right Wing groups cater to the pro gun stance and are demonized (Left vs Right = Divide and Conquer). Here is just an example of what we are facing, and why the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution here in the United States is so Important, it is not for hunting or sporting, but a last resort means of the people to resist Tyranny, take that Right away and the rest will soon Follow. You can not have your rights taken away, you can only give them up.
State to 'spy' on every private citizens phone call, email and web Searches
US Military to increase Domestic Surveillence
US Government / DHS Labels American Citizens who think too much "Extremists"
Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbE7iIetbzU
Gun Owners, Tax Protesters are "Terrorists" in US
Pentagon Devising Plans for Martial Law in US - "Domestic Security"
More Information on Martial Law
US Troops to be Used for "Civil Unrest" in US
War is the method of choice to instill fear, to enslave and to expand empires. You must create fear and hatred towards an enemy, and the people must rally behind the cause in order to gain the initial support for action. After the action begins and the truth becomes to leak out it is of no consequence, it is already in motion. When no enemy or large threat is present one must be created. In this modern age, after the Cold War of the 1980s and the minor wars of the 1990s it was clear a new enemy would be needed to lead the march of the New World Order into the 21st century. Then 9/11 Happened. If you are to research the connection between Black Ops, and just who funds who, then you learn the interconnectedness between groups like the CIA, Ossama Bin Laden- Afghanistan and the Russians, Saddam Hussein & Iraq - Iran , Vietnam - Gulf of Tonkin incident, and other issues.
This is a subject, that only when independently reviewed, only when an open mind and critical thinking is properly applied, can be addressed.
9/11 Archives
We are as Human Beings gifted with intellect and reason. We are blessed with free will and common sense. These things we should never stop using, or allow to become our 2nd source of conscience. We should have the drive to think for ourselves, to apply critical thinking and independent research to what we are told to believe about the world around us and the events that shape that world. We should always seek beyond the given explanation, to decide for ourselves without being emotionally manipulated into taking a stance. Especially when time and time again, throughout history those who are giving the official information have been caught in scandal after scandal. When Corruption has crept into every facet of society and leadership, from Religion to Politics to Economics our very well being demands of us Critical Thinking, to see beyond the cults of personality and promises of change and hope uttered time and again by every politician.
Our Common sense and Conscience alone should be enough to tell us that nothing is as it seems. Our own intuition and sense self preservation should imply that we have a personal responsibility not only to ourselves, but to our families and to our fellow human beings to stand up and scrutinize the status quo and to demand answers from those who claim to know better, those who claim to have our best interests in their hands. We must stand and unite and demand Liberty, Truth and Equality. Complacency is why we are faced with the beast before us. It is as much our faults for allowing such things to become the evils we now see. The time has come to make a choice, to remain complacent and avoiding what is coming, or to survive and stand for something bigger than each of us.
Ignorance is a choice...
Update 12/19/2009
The RAND study, which was conducted for the U.S. Army’s Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, recommended using the Marshals Service rather than the US Army’s Military Police as host for the SPFOR in order to avoid conflicts with the Posse Comitatus Act, which forbids (albeit in principle more than in practice) the domestic use of the military as a law enforcement body.
"Unless governments cede some of their sovereignty to a new world body, he says, a global carbon trading scheme cannot be enforced and regulated."
An attempt by developing and emerging countries to create "a new world order" in which Western industrialised nations are no longer dominant is threatening to scupper an agreement on climate change in Copenhagen, warned EU delegates. EurActiv reports from the Danish capital.
Another memorandum disclosed that a Defense Intelligence Agency employee said that in May 2002, in response to a Congressional inquiry, the Joint Forces Intelligence Command provided false information about its activities related to Al Qaeda and the Sept. 11 attacks. The document offered few details.
Concerned over the supply of oil to the US and a supposed need to continue the global 'War on Terror', President Barack Obama has essentially maintained the militarised approach to Africa that was the hallmark of his immediate predecessors George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.
Super Big Brother cameras with thermal imaging recognize faces, license plates and give orders to citizens
Super Big Brother cameras with thermal imaging recognize faces, license plates and give orders to citizens
Wall Street Paying Back Bailouts with Bailouts. Total Bailout Package Ceiling of $14 Trillion Yet Focus Only on TARP Repayments in the tens of Billions.
Can people become so broken that truths of how they are being screwed do not “set them free” but instead further demoralize them? Has such a demoralization happened in the United States?
The Federal Government has announced it will proceed with controversial plans to censor the internet after Government-commissioned trials found filtering a blacklist of banned sites was accurate and would not slow down the internet.
For The Environmental Extremists At Copenhagen Population Reduction Is The “Cheapest” Way To Reduce Carbon Emissions
Kaspersky Lab CEO Eugene Kaspersky waxed poetically about the need for a global law enforcement agency to police the Internet against criminals and hackers.
Confidential contracts detailing Monsanto Co.'s business practices reveal how the world's biggest seed developer is squeezing competitors, controlling smaller seed companies and protecting its dominance over the multibillion-dollar market for genetically altered crops, an Associated Press investigation has found
Carlyle, Kissinger, SAIC and Halliburton: A 9/11 Convergence
Carlyle, Kissinger, SAIC and Halliburton: A 9/11 Convergence
New federally financed drug research reveals a stark disparity: children covered by Medicaid are given powerful antipsychotic medicines at a rate four times higher than children whose parents have private insurance. And the Medicaid children are more likely to receive the drugs for less severe conditions than their middle-class counterparts, the data shows.
CHINA: Population control called key to Global Warming dealWashington - The U.S. Customs and Border Protection took delivery today of the first maritime variant of the Predator B unmanned aircraft system. At a ceremony in Palmdale, California, CBP, U.S. Coast Guard, and General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. unveiled the prototype maritime variant Predator B, known as Guardian.
“The governments of Europe, the United States, and Japan are unlikely to negotiate a social-democratic pattern of globalization – unless their hands are forced by a popular movement or a catastrophe, such as another Great Depression or ecological disaster“
Half-baked Homeland Security is spending millions to develop sensors capable of detecting a person's level of 'malintent' as a counterterrorism tool.
Jan 12, 2009 ... The New World Order is for the most part already here. This might be a horrible fact for most to accept but unfortunately it is a reality. ...
Jan 12, 2009 ... The New World Order is for the most part already here. This might be a horrible fact for most to accept but unfortunately it is a reality. ...